MONTCLAIR, CA - Celebrations were held at the Nithyananda Vedic Hindu temple here on Dec 26 to mark their founder’s birthday. The celebrations started with the Pada Puja performed by devotees which was telecast live from Bidadi, India, followed by 2014 Jayanthi message from Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He said “Be a catalyst, be a cause, for everyone to realize their reality! I tell you, when you decide authentically and sincerely to be a cause for others to realize their reality, all of them will become catalysts for you to cause your reality. Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha - when you protect Dharma, Dharma protects you.”
At Nithyananda Dhyana-peetam’s ashram near Bengaluru in India, spiritual heads from various organizations were present at the celebrations. Also, on the occasion, Nithyananda University in Montclair conferred honorary doctorates to Swami Shukdevanandji for his service to Hinduism, Swami Atmanandaji for his contribution in the field of education, and singer ‘Bombay’ Krishnamurthy for excellence in Vedic music.