SAN FRANCISCO,CA - Sikh Heritage Symphony performed at the 15th Biennial Berkeley Festival and Exhibition here. The symphony presented North Indian classical raagas on Sikh heritage instruments at the Trinity Chamber of Concerts at Berkeley on June 9. With a mission to revive the richness of music tradition related to raagAs and string instruments in Sikh music, the symphony played Raagas on instruments the Rabab, Dilruba, Taus,
Saranda, Sarangi, Tanpura, Surmandal, Tabla and Pakhawaz. These are instruments used in Sikh music for hundreds of years. The Sikh Gurus and musicians in their court adopted these instruments for the singing of religions hymns that are also written in the Sikh holy scripture Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The compositions played were Raag-Mala that includes raagas from ten main raagas forms that constitute Indian classical music. The performers were advanced students and teachers who have been playing these instruments for many years.”