LOS ANGELES, CA – “Each one of us has freedom of choice to act, to choose, change our Karma or in other words, destiny and to me this is true empowerment,” said Rev. J. P. Vaswani, the universally acclaimed humanitarian, educator, writer, powerful orator and head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. He was speaking on...
LOS ANGELES, CA – “Each one of us has freedom of choice to act, to choose, change our Karma or in other words, destiny and to me this is true empowerment,” said Rev. J. P. Vaswani, the universally acclaimed humanitarian, educator, writer, powerful orator and head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. He was speaking on...
the topic ‘Empower Yourself,’ at the Concourse Hotel here, on May 5. Nearly 1000 dedicated and very receptive devotees thoroughly enjoyed each moment of the words of wisdom by this spiritual leader who is popularly known as Dada Vaswani or Sadhu Vaswani among his followers. This 97- year- old philosopher, who was brought on a wheel chair to the conference hall, captivated the mind and hearts of all by his loving magnetic smile and insight. He said instead of empowerment, he preferred the term ‘upliftment’ or `elevation’ as empowerment represented ego. He admitted that we were unaware of all powers that are within us, saying, “Authentic power is your birth right. You are the architect of your own destiny. Your life, your future and your destiny is in your own hands. Uncover the potential that is within you.” He asked the audience to start a new chapter in their life today, here and now as yesterday was a cancelled check, tomorrow was a promise note and what mattered was what is done today.
Quoting the Bhagwad Gita, he said Lord Krishna said , “I am seated in all”, so we are full of tremendous energy as the Lord resides in all. In conclusion, he gave practical suggestions to empower oneself – Live for today and in the present; make sure every thought you have is a happy thought; do your duty well; stop complaining and start thanking; always think positive; spread the sunshine of a smile wherever you go and laugh often as it is a spiritual, mental and spiritual tonic.
The soulful evening concluded with a Q&A session and the audience asked questions related to everyday life, philosophy, relationships, life style, universal laws and cosmic energy. Earlier he was honored by proclamations and certificates of recognition presented by various city officials, administrators and organizations. A Proclamation by Senator Tony Mendoza was presented by Dilip Butani while Hari Dadlani presented one from Congresswoman Linda Sanchez. A Certificate of Recognition on behalf of the City of Los Angeles was presented, while Cerritos Mayor Pro-tem Naresh Solanki presented a Proclamation on behalf of the residents of Cerritos. Kishan Hingorani represented the Sindhi Association of CA while honoring him. Dilip Bhavnani emceed the event and the vote of thanks was given by Kumar Bhavnani.
Quoting the Bhagwad Gita, he said Lord Krishna said , “I am seated in all”, so we are full of tremendous energy as the Lord resides in all. In conclusion, he gave practical suggestions to empower oneself – Live for today and in the present; make sure every thought you have is a happy thought; do your duty well; stop complaining and start thanking; always think positive; spread the sunshine of a smile wherever you go and laugh often as it is a spiritual, mental and spiritual tonic.
The soulful evening concluded with a Q&A session and the audience asked questions related to everyday life, philosophy, relationships, life style, universal laws and cosmic energy. Earlier he was honored by proclamations and certificates of recognition presented by various city officials, administrators and organizations. A Proclamation by Senator Tony Mendoza was presented by Dilip Butani while Hari Dadlani presented one from Congresswoman Linda Sanchez. A Certificate of Recognition on behalf of the City of Los Angeles was presented, while Cerritos Mayor Pro-tem Naresh Solanki presented a Proclamation on behalf of the residents of Cerritos. Kishan Hingorani represented the Sindhi Association of CA while honoring him. Dilip Bhavnani emceed the event and the vote of thanks was given by Kumar Bhavnani.