LOS ANGELES, CA - Nimbarkacharya Sri Shyamsharan Devacharya from Nimbark peeth Ajmer on a visit to Southern California enlightened Vaishnavs in the Los Angeles area at a satsang in Newport Coast. Maharaj Ji started the evening with a beautiful Radha Krishna bhajan that touched the hearts of the devotees.
LOS ANGELES, CA - Nimbarkacharya Sri Shyamsharan Devacharya from Nimbark peeth Ajmer on a visit to Southern California enlightened Vaishnavs in the Los Angeles area at a satsang in Newport Coast. Maharaj Ji started the evening with a beautiful Radha Krishna bhajan that touched the hearts of the devotees.
Speaking to devotees he pointed out that the sanatam dharam is to find ourselves, and it is very important to teach children at a young age, about our `sanskar,’ religion and God. He said our first guru is our mother who should be the first one to teach us about God.
The program also included an interactive Q & A session filled with profound questions by devotees and meaningful answers provided by Maharaj Ji.
The program also included an interactive Q & A session filled with profound questions by devotees and meaningful answers provided by Maharaj Ji.