Titanic star Leonardo Di Caprio recently won the Golden Globes award and has an Oscar nomination for the best actor for his role in the movie ‘The Revenant’. His stepmom, Peggy Farrar is an Amritdhari Sikh and dons a turban and always wears her 5 Ks blessed by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Leo’s father George is a comic book writer and editor and also the distributor of underground comics .They are often spotted at film festivals...
across the world. According to reports, Farrar embraced the Sikh religion years ago and dons a turban for the last couple of years. An Amritdhari Sikh is one who has received baptismal vows of the Khalsa initiated by Guru Gobind Singh and he/she abides by these vows and follows the ‘Panj Karari Rahit’ (rules of wearing the 5Ks), the distinctive insignia introduced by the Guru comprising five symbols, each beginning with the letter K. These are Kesh (long unshorn hair and in case of men, beard too), Kangha (a comb to keep this hair tidy), Kirpan (a sword), a Kada (a wrist band) and a Kaccha (an undergarment).