WASHINGTON, D.C. - Laxmi, a victim of acid attack and a standard-bearer for the movement to end acid attacks, has been selected by the US for prestigious International Women of the Courage Award. Laxmi would receive the award from US First Lady Michelle Obama at an awards ceremony at the State Department here. She was 16 when an acquaintance threw acid on her face while she waited at a bus stop in...
New Delhi’s busy Khan Market in 2005, disfiguring her permanently. Her attacker, a friend’s 32-year old brother, planned to use the acid to destroy Laxmi’s face after she refused to respond to his romantic advances. “Many acid attack victims never return to normal life: they often go to great lengths to hide their disfigurement, many forgo education or employment rather than appear in public, and suicide is not uncommon. But Laxmi did not hide,” the State Department said. “She became the standard-bearer in India for the movement to end acid attacks. She made