SAN DIEGO, CA - The first ever Maha Rudram in San Diego, dedicated to community peace and prosperity saw great participation by the community. 150 Ritwiks from different parts of the country and 250 ladies chanted the Soundarya Lahari and Lalitha Sahasranama, creating a spiritual atmosphere. Ritwiks chanted the...
SAN DIEGO, CA - The first ever Maha Rudram in San Diego, dedicated to community peace and prosperity saw great participation by the community. 150 Ritwiks from different parts of the country and 250 ladies chanted the Soundarya Lahari and Lalitha Sahasranama, creating a spiritual atmosphere. Ritwiks chanted the...
Rudra Namaka and Chamaka 1331 times and performed the Rudra Homa 11 times. The Maha Rudra Yajna weekend of May 30-31, participants said, was a blissful and memorable one. Organizers Veda Geetha Foundation and VEDA Circle thanked the Jain Society of San Diego and all for their support and participation.