ANAHEIM, CA - The Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) - USA Southern California Chapter met on April 17 at the Gyatri Chetna Center to discuss the ongoing elections in India and new strategies for reaching out to Indians. Although initial Internet problems kept 2 videos from being shown, members began discussing their primary concern: getting votes for the BJP in India.
“Our primary concern is winning with a majority. If BJP wins with a majority without having too much influence from the coalition partners, then what happens is the government can stably work with their agenda. Otherwise every partner has an agenda and they won’t let things happen,” head of the Southern California Chapter Harish Dhruv told India Journal.
The OFBJP plans on reaching out to anybody they know with friends and relatives back in India that can vote. The group encourages fellow Indo-Americans to do the same. The OFBJP stress the opposition nature of the party and state that the BJP can help amend the corruption hat have marred Indian politics. “People are tired of Congress ruling for the last 60 years and are sick and tired of corruption. They want to see something change. They all want to see good governance” OFBJP member Gopal Chaturvedi said. BJP Prime Minister candidate Narendra Modi is one good example of how the BJP functions, members of OFBJP say. They point to his track record of economic development in Gujurat despite criticism from some that social development has lagged. Group members were also enthusiastic about BJP’s support of national defense and the technology sector. Southern California Chapter based OFBJP chapter started around the same time as the national chapter, around 23 years ago. Dhruv, who became chapter head in 2009, explained that although there was a lull in participation, he along with his friends have helped rejuvenate the group with active outreach. Dhruv explains they now have between 70 and 80 members who are all helping in one way or another.
The OFBJP plans on reaching out to anybody they know with friends and relatives back in India that can vote. The group encourages fellow Indo-Americans to do the same. The OFBJP stress the opposition nature of the party and state that the BJP can help amend the corruption hat have marred Indian politics. “People are tired of Congress ruling for the last 60 years and are sick and tired of corruption. They want to see something change. They all want to see good governance” OFBJP member Gopal Chaturvedi said. BJP Prime Minister candidate Narendra Modi is one good example of how the BJP functions, members of OFBJP say. They point to his track record of economic development in Gujurat despite criticism from some that social development has lagged. Group members were also enthusiastic about BJP’s support of national defense and the technology sector. Southern California Chapter based OFBJP chapter started around the same time as the national chapter, around 23 years ago. Dhruv, who became chapter head in 2009, explained that although there was a lull in participation, he along with his friends have helped rejuvenate the group with active outreach. Dhruv explains they now have between 70 and 80 members who are all helping in one way or another.