ARTESIA, CA - The Overseas Friends of BJP, Los Angeles chapter, organized a free membership drive here on Feb. 8 to create awareness and support for the party and its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. The drive also gave an opportunity for the OFBJP, LA executive team members to answer questions asked by individuals who would like to support BJP but don’t know how to do so...
ARTESIA, CA - The Overseas Friends of BJP, Los Angeles chapter, organized a free membership drive here on Feb. 8 to create awareness and support for the party and its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. The drive also gave an opportunity for the OFBJP, LA executive team members to answer questions asked by individuals who would like to support BJP but don’t know how to do so...
since they live here. People visiting the booth that had been set up received inforegarding various programs currently running in India; the goals of the BJP, such as Mission 272+, Modi’s 8-point development for India; Brand India 5 T’s; Tea party, and others. New members who pledged support to the BJP were requested to also have their family and friends in India support the party. Detailed flyers were distributed during the event to help people understand why a change is needed in India and, if given an opportunity, how India will emerge within the next 60 months based on Modi’s 8-point development plan. The event committee discussed and outlined several events over the next few months, such as Run for Unity and Free Membership Drives in Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego. For more information: www.ofbjpla.org