FAIRFIELD, IA – Among a distinguished gathering of Vedic scientists from around the U S and the world, Navin and Pratima Doshi received the Maharishi Award presented by the Maharishi University of Management here on Oct 5. The award was given to Doshi in recognition of his lifetime work and success —
FAIRFIELD, IA – Among a distinguished gathering of Vedic scientists from around the U S and the world, Navin and Pratima Doshi received the Maharishi Award presented by the Maharishi University of Management here on Oct 5. The award was given to Doshi in recognition of his lifetime work and success —

in engineering, philosophy, philanthropy, and business, as well as his support for scholarship in Indian history and culture. The award ceremony took place at the Maharishi Vedic City, just north of the university campus and was part of the concluding event of a three-day conference of Vedic scholars. The Award has been given to a wide range of individuals over the past 38 years since it was inaugurated — from Nobel Laureates to leading figures in government, science, the arts, and business and, to local community members whose names may not be so well known but who nonetheless have displayed the same spirit of service to humanity.
Among those present were Dr. John Hagelin who heads the Maharishi University in the US, Dr Rajaram Nadar, head of the world Maharishi organization, and executives Michael Busch and Dr. Keith Wallace.
Accepting the award Doshi expressed deep gratitude for the honor and in lighter vein said he hoped the award was given purely on merit and not because his dearest friend Michael Busch used his influence! Complementing those who established the university he called them truly great visionaries who had given this gift to humanity adding that he was not aware of any other university outside of India that has its roots deep into Vedic tradition.
Doshi went on to say that he was not aware of any place in the world, other than India, where most powerful men like Buddha, would give away power and wealth to discover the path of Nirvana, a permanent state of bliss. The middle path realized by Buddha is an extraordinary insight of time. His vision, removing all the complexities of Upanishad, was a simple path of transcendence to Nirvana. In Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “He made words in the Vedas yield a meaning to which the men of his generation were strangers. He gave life to the teachings that were buried in the Vedas”
About 300 years ago, Darasiko, eldest son of Shah Jahan, the fifth Moghal emperor of India translated Upanishad in Persian, which was then translated in German. Ever since, the interest of European scholars in Vedic philosophy and yoga was ignited.
In recent time, people from all over the world have met and experienced yogis like Vivekananda and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Doshi recalled how he had been fortunate to meet and experience their grace and blessings during his life time. He also had an opportunity to walk with a great karma yogi, Mahatma Gandhi, for a hour and a half in 1944. Doshi’s father had taken him to meet Swami Nityananda of Ganeshpury many times in the 1950s and Doshi was fortunate to listen to the discourses given by Swami Chinmayananda in the 1970s. He called these “experiences beyond the realm of all natural human faculties.”
Doshi compared the simplicity of the message of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to that of the message of Buddha. Stress is rampant in this fast moving society of ours. So his message of introspection employing transcendental meditation is the right path to help cope with the stresses of life.
Going on Doshi said he often wondered if there is some purpose in life for all of us, as light shines with a purpose. There is an important insight about light, which Doshi calls a quantum connection between Purusha and Prakriti. The speed of light is changeless and associated with changeless Purusha, and the changing attributes of light like velocity and color are associated with ever changing Prakriti. Light is a beam of photon particles, or packets of energy; we do not see light; light helps us to see and discover everything in Nature. Light therefore, in every sense, is seeing, and at a much higher level of mind, enlightening. Light is pure action with purpose, and it is attached to nothing. It is light initiating to create matter, energy, space, time, and all of us in this audience. And yes, therefore we all have purpose in our lives.
Doshi said Maharishi’s purpose has been to bridge India and America, the two polar opposites, in almost every sense, and bring about balance, harmony, and complementariness for the benefit of humanity. “Pleasure experienced by the outer body is momentary; it does not last long. We need to discover ourselves and connect with Atman, residing at the deepest level of our layered body for ‘Sat-Chit-Ananda’, the true everlasting bliss-full state of mind. That is the true message Maharishi conveyed to us. Pratima and I intend to spend the rest of our lives spreading Maharishi’s message in this world of ours.”
Among those present were Dr. John Hagelin who heads the Maharishi University in the US, Dr Rajaram Nadar, head of the world Maharishi organization, and executives Michael Busch and Dr. Keith Wallace.
Accepting the award Doshi expressed deep gratitude for the honor and in lighter vein said he hoped the award was given purely on merit and not because his dearest friend Michael Busch used his influence! Complementing those who established the university he called them truly great visionaries who had given this gift to humanity adding that he was not aware of any other university outside of India that has its roots deep into Vedic tradition.
Doshi went on to say that he was not aware of any place in the world, other than India, where most powerful men like Buddha, would give away power and wealth to discover the path of Nirvana, a permanent state of bliss. The middle path realized by Buddha is an extraordinary insight of time. His vision, removing all the complexities of Upanishad, was a simple path of transcendence to Nirvana. In Mahatma Gandhi’s words, “He made words in the Vedas yield a meaning to which the men of his generation were strangers. He gave life to the teachings that were buried in the Vedas”
About 300 years ago, Darasiko, eldest son of Shah Jahan, the fifth Moghal emperor of India translated Upanishad in Persian, which was then translated in German. Ever since, the interest of European scholars in Vedic philosophy and yoga was ignited.
In recent time, people from all over the world have met and experienced yogis like Vivekananda and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Doshi recalled how he had been fortunate to meet and experience their grace and blessings during his life time. He also had an opportunity to walk with a great karma yogi, Mahatma Gandhi, for a hour and a half in 1944. Doshi’s father had taken him to meet Swami Nityananda of Ganeshpury many times in the 1950s and Doshi was fortunate to listen to the discourses given by Swami Chinmayananda in the 1970s. He called these “experiences beyond the realm of all natural human faculties.”
Doshi compared the simplicity of the message of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to that of the message of Buddha. Stress is rampant in this fast moving society of ours. So his message of introspection employing transcendental meditation is the right path to help cope with the stresses of life.
Going on Doshi said he often wondered if there is some purpose in life for all of us, as light shines with a purpose. There is an important insight about light, which Doshi calls a quantum connection between Purusha and Prakriti. The speed of light is changeless and associated with changeless Purusha, and the changing attributes of light like velocity and color are associated with ever changing Prakriti. Light is a beam of photon particles, or packets of energy; we do not see light; light helps us to see and discover everything in Nature. Light therefore, in every sense, is seeing, and at a much higher level of mind, enlightening. Light is pure action with purpose, and it is attached to nothing. It is light initiating to create matter, energy, space, time, and all of us in this audience. And yes, therefore we all have purpose in our lives.
Doshi said Maharishi’s purpose has been to bridge India and America, the two polar opposites, in almost every sense, and bring about balance, harmony, and complementariness for the benefit of humanity. “Pleasure experienced by the outer body is momentary; it does not last long. We need to discover ourselves and connect with Atman, residing at the deepest level of our layered body for ‘Sat-Chit-Ananda’, the true everlasting bliss-full state of mind. That is the true message Maharishi conveyed to us. Pratima and I intend to spend the rest of our lives spreading Maharishi’s message in this world of ours.”