PASADENA, CA-Lions International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal, and his wife, Navita, of Batala, Punjab, were the principal riders ·on the Lions Clubs’ float titled ‘Preserving Our Environment,’ at the annual Rose Parade here on Jan 1 with the overall theme `Making a Difference.’ Speaking to the media ahead of the event,
Aggarwal is currently serving as the association’s international president, having been elected at the association’s 100th International Convention held i n Chicago, Illinois, on June 30 last year, for a one year term through June, 2018.
Aggarwal is the chairman of companies specializing in steel and agricultural products. He is also the chief patron of Dainik Prarthana Sabha , which operates charity projects in Batala.
“This year’ s Rose Parade,” Aggarwal continued, “affords the members of Lions Clubs, the opportunity to share with the worldwide audiences two of the major projects of the Lions Centennial: Protecting Our Environment and Engaging Our Youth.” Members of Lions Clubs continue their selfless volunteerism in their communities throughout the world t hrough their motto: “We Serve.” Joining President Aggarwal on the float were members of local LEO Clubs and Lions Clubs recognized for their generous time, dedication, and contributions. In closing, Aggarwal said `` Lions serving the world wish you all a ‘Happy New Year!’”