BUENA PARK, CA – The Jain Center of Southern California (JCSC) organized and hosted a Job Fair on June 14, here. The first ever such event in SoCal by the Indian-American community drew many applicants from different backgrounds, with Indians and non Indians gathering at the Jain Center auditorium...
BUENA PARK, CA – The Jain Center of Southern California (JCSC) organized and hosted a Job Fair on June 14, here. The first ever such event in SoCal by the Indian-American community drew many applicants from different backgrounds, with Indians and non Indians gathering at the Jain Center auditorium...
to meet and network with some of the fastest growing companies. The fair attracted several companies with more than 100 job openings. Applicants were able to meet prospective employers from various fields and get one-on-one time with them. Among the companies who attended were Apple Care, MSI, AMTEX, Molina Health, Assisted Living facilities, IDHASOFT and Where2GetIt. Job fair organizing committee members Dr. Nitin Shah, Premal Doshi, Mahesh Jain, Tushar Shah and Raj Shah said, they were still open to receiving resumes which they would forward to prospective employers. Job seekers can send details to: [email protected]. The fair was supported by Jain Professionals of North America and sponsored by Share A Smile, a NJ based organization.