PACOIMA,CA-Khalsa Care Foundation surpassed itself this year with Baisakhi celebrations.It started late last year when KCF brought in copies of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib for distribution to members of the Sangat that showed an interest in doing Paath at home and at their own pace but did not have a copy of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
PACOIMA,CA-Khalsa Care Foundation surpassed itself this year with Baisakhi celebrations.It started late last year when KCF brought in copies of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib for distribution to members of the Sangat that showed an interest in doing Paath at home and at their own pace but did not have a copy of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
The culmination of the Paath was a final ceremony and Bhog for all the devotees who completed the Paath was held during the Baisakhi celebrations. The Hemkund Fondation also had a Speech Contest for young Sikhs and the finals were held on April 22. It was a sight to see the young ones show off their talents in what they had learnt and memorized of the history of Sikism.The contest was so close that the judges had a hard time. The prizes and certificates were handed out at the end of the event and everyone received a certificate of participation. One of the highlights of the Baisakhi celebrations was the Amrit Sanchar for devotees who wanted to take the sublime step of taking Amrit and joining the ranks of the Khalsa. There was a very good turnout and the ceremony started with the Panj Pyare making the preparations.It was a humbling sight to witness the newly ordained members of the Khalsa entering the Darbar Hall with the Panj Pyare in the lead. KCF was a hive of spiritual activity and on April 21, five Akand Paaths were started simultaneously in and the non-stop reading of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib was ably accomplished by the volunteers and concluded in time for the Bhog on April 23. Renowned Sant Anoop Singh was on hand to keep the Sangat mesmerized with melodious Shabads and discourse of Gurbani in his own unique style from April 16 with the finale on April 23 and an extended program including Amrit Sanchar and Sehaj Paath Bhogs .There were also mela style food booths set up serving mouth watering snacks for the hundreds who came for the celebrations. The Darbar Hall was packed and there was a constant stream of devotees. Guru Ka Langar was served. |