MUMBAI - After a trial of 13 years, first in the Mumbai Metropolitan Court and then in the Sessions Court, the verdict in the high-profile Salman Khan accident case is round the corner. Additional Sessions Judge D.W. Deshpande said on Saturday that he would announce the date on April 20 for the verdict to be delivered in the case. "I will announce the date of the verdict on Monday (April 20),"
Judge Deshpande told special public prosecutor Pradeep Gharat and defence counsel Shrikant Shivade in the court. Shivade is expected to complete his final arguments in the case on Monday and when he asked if he could continue it on Tuesday, Judge Deshpande said: "No... You finish your arguments on Monday itself. I will announce the date of the verdict."
Salman, 49, faces the serious charge of "culpable homicide not amounting to murder" and if convicted, he could get a maximum sentence of upto 10 years imprisonment. On September 28, 2002 Salman was involved in the accident that left one person dead and four others injured outside a bakery in Bandra.
Salman, 49, faces the serious charge of "culpable homicide not amounting to murder" and if convicted, he could get a maximum sentence of upto 10 years imprisonment. On September 28, 2002 Salman was involved in the accident that left one person dead and four others injured outside a bakery in Bandra.