BHUBANESWAR - Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Wednesday announced an assistance of Rs.5 crore for cyclone-ravaged Andhra Pradesh. Cyclonic storm Hudhud wreaked havoc in the southern state after it hit Visakhapatnam Oct 12. Expressing his deep sympathy for loss of lives and property, Patnaik said people of Odisha are with those of Andhra during this critical moment.
The state government has sent 30 fire service teams and two units of Odisha Disaster Response Team to carry out restoration work in the cyclone-hit areas.
The teams are equipped with power cutters, tower lights and other relevant gear, Patnaik said, adding they will also help clear the roads of debris and obstacles. Patnaik also assured his Andhra counterpart, N. Chandrababu Naidu, of all help to deal with the situation.
In Odisha, too, cyclonic storm 'Hudhud' caused extensive damage to the power infrastructure in five districts -- Koraput, Malkangiri, Rayagada, Nabarangpur and Gajapati. Ahead of 'Hudhud' making landfall Sunday, the Odisha government had evacuated 247,829 people and shifted them to 2,197 safe shelters. The evacuated people have started returning to their homes except those whose houses have been severely damaged. Preliminary estimates indicate damage to about 80,000 private dwelling houses most of which are mud and thatch dwellings.
The teams are equipped with power cutters, tower lights and other relevant gear, Patnaik said, adding they will also help clear the roads of debris and obstacles. Patnaik also assured his Andhra counterpart, N. Chandrababu Naidu, of all help to deal with the situation.
In Odisha, too, cyclonic storm 'Hudhud' caused extensive damage to the power infrastructure in five districts -- Koraput, Malkangiri, Rayagada, Nabarangpur and Gajapati. Ahead of 'Hudhud' making landfall Sunday, the Odisha government had evacuated 247,829 people and shifted them to 2,197 safe shelters. The evacuated people have started returning to their homes except those whose houses have been severely damaged. Preliminary estimates indicate damage to about 80,000 private dwelling houses most of which are mud and thatch dwellings.