WASHINGTON,D.C.- Indian women rank third after their Mexican and Chinese peers among foreign mothers giving birth to children in the U.S. with Asian immigrants increasingly accounting for a larger share, according to a latest study. Among new foreign-born U.S. mothers from the top 10 sending locations, those from India stand out for their low share of births outside marriage (one percent),

high rates of college degree attainment (87 percent) and high annual family incomes ($104,500), the Pew Research Center said Oct. 26.
“New moms from India stand out on both measures — almost nine-in-ten (87 percent) have a bachelor’s degree, and their annual median incomes top $100,000,” said the study, according to which after rising for decades, the share of U.S. babies born to unmarried women has stabilized in recent years, driven by a sharp decline in births outside of marriage among foreign-born women, and a levelling off among U.S.-born women. According to the report, as per the latest statistics, in 2014 as many as 901,245 babies were born to foreign-born mothers. Of these, Mexico accounted for the largest share of 287,052, followed by China (44,829) and India (43,364). The report said none of the other countries comes even close to India when it comes to education and financial well off. “The Indian case is particularly extreme — none of the other top sending countries come close in terms of the share of new moms with a bachelor’s degree,” the report said. In terms of financial well-being, Indian-born new mothers have annual median family income more than twice as high ($104,500) as new U.S.-born mothers ($51,200). At the other end of the financial spectrum, just four percent of Indian-born new mothers are in poverty, compared with 26 percent of U.S.-born mothers, it added.
“New moms from India stand out on both measures — almost nine-in-ten (87 percent) have a bachelor’s degree, and their annual median incomes top $100,000,” said the study, according to which after rising for decades, the share of U.S. babies born to unmarried women has stabilized in recent years, driven by a sharp decline in births outside of marriage among foreign-born women, and a levelling off among U.S.-born women. According to the report, as per the latest statistics, in 2014 as many as 901,245 babies were born to foreign-born mothers. Of these, Mexico accounted for the largest share of 287,052, followed by China (44,829) and India (43,364). The report said none of the other countries comes even close to India when it comes to education and financial well off. “The Indian case is particularly extreme — none of the other top sending countries come close in terms of the share of new moms with a bachelor’s degree,” the report said. In terms of financial well-being, Indian-born new mothers have annual median family income more than twice as high ($104,500) as new U.S.-born mothers ($51,200). At the other end of the financial spectrum, just four percent of Indian-born new mothers are in poverty, compared with 26 percent of U.S.-born mothers, it added.