MUMBAI - Maharashtra Governor C.V. Rao and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Thursday evening released a new book on the Prime Minister, 'Marching with a Billion: Analysing Narendra Modi's government at Midterm'. Authored by veteran India Today journalist Uday Mahurkar, the book analyses Modi's performance as the BJP-led NDA government completed three years. Addressing the gathering, Rao said the book has come...
at the most appropriate juncture with the Prime Minister completing three years in office and will enable people to take an objective look at the "immense work done by the government" during this period. The author's long stint with India Today in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, provided him with a unique opportunity to watch from close quarters the entire chief ministerial tenure of Modi from 2001-2014, and witness his whirlwind campaign in the run-up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, he said.
After Modi's spectacular victory, Mahurkar followed his meteoric rise in national and international politics, and the implementation of the twin agenda of social and economic change by Modi.
"To his full credit, Mahurkar has done justice to the subject by analyzing and assessing critically the decisions, policies and vision of the Modi government. At times, he has also criticized the decisions which according to him were not in the interest of the nation," said Rao. At every step, the Prime Minister has marched with a billion, taken the 1.25 billion people of the country into confidence while taking every single major decision, howsoever unpleasant or bitter it might be, and bridged the gap between the "ruler and the ruled", he added. "In a time span of little over three years, the PM has set off a thousand revolutions in different spheres of governance - social, economic and political. Many of the revolutionary ideas may not have borne fruition yet, but these have created a deep impact on the minds of the people," Rao pointed out.
He lauded Mahurkar for penning an "outstanding analytical book" as well as Penguin Random House for publishing it.
After Modi's spectacular victory, Mahurkar followed his meteoric rise in national and international politics, and the implementation of the twin agenda of social and economic change by Modi.
"To his full credit, Mahurkar has done justice to the subject by analyzing and assessing critically the decisions, policies and vision of the Modi government. At times, he has also criticized the decisions which according to him were not in the interest of the nation," said Rao. At every step, the Prime Minister has marched with a billion, taken the 1.25 billion people of the country into confidence while taking every single major decision, howsoever unpleasant or bitter it might be, and bridged the gap between the "ruler and the ruled", he added. "In a time span of little over three years, the PM has set off a thousand revolutions in different spheres of governance - social, economic and political. Many of the revolutionary ideas may not have borne fruition yet, but these have created a deep impact on the minds of the people," Rao pointed out.
He lauded Mahurkar for penning an "outstanding analytical book" as well as Penguin Random House for publishing it.