NEW DELHI - Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday launched a live Twitter wall for promoting 'Bharat Ke Veer portal' here on the eve of the 71st Independence Day. On this occasion, Ministers of State for Home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir and Kiren Rijiju contributed their one month salary for the portal. Launched by Rajnath Singh and actor Akshay Kumar on April 9, the portal aims to facilitate online donation directly to the families of...
paramilitary troopers who have sacrificed their lives for the country in line of duty from January 1, 2016. The Home Minister said that the security forces have made supreme sacrifices in the line of duty and the people need to stand by their families and support them. This social media awareness campaign will display all tweets with hashtag Bharat Ke Veer (#BharatKeVeer) at central Delhi's Connaught Place and south Delhi's CGO complex and Khan Market areas where huge LED display screens have been installed, a Home Ministry statement said. It also said that an emoji -- ideograms and smileys used in electronic messages -- has also been created for this hashtag.
Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi, Officer on Special Duty Rajiv Gauba and senior Home Ministry officers were also present on the occasion.
Union Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi, Officer on Special Duty Rajiv Gauba and senior Home Ministry officers were also present on the occasion.