NEW DELHI - Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Jan. 10 said a security cover is being provided to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal without his knowledge and despite his repeated rejection for it. This was being done as it was the “duty” of the government and the Home Ministry to take care of the security requirements and protection of VVIPs and others based on threat perception, he said. “It is the duty of any state government and the Centre to protect such VVIPs.
When he (Kejriwal) was elected as the Chief Minister he was immediately provided with security. We are now giving him security cover without his knowledge,” the Home Minister told reporters here during his monthly press conference. Shinde said the security agencies have thrice asked Kejriwal to take security and he has refused twice. “Recently there was an attack on AAP office in Ghaziabad.... We have asked the local police that if not directly they can post their men in the vicinity of these locations,” Shinde said. (PTI)