LUCKNOW - Bollywood actress Vidya Balan was on Friday named the brand ambassador for the ambitious 'Samajwadi Pension Scheme' of the Uttar Pradesh government. Thanking Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav for the same, she said she was impressed by the work for women that was being done in the state and complimented him for the pension scheme, which she said would go a long way in empowering women...
and changing their lives for good. Vidya also assured of her all possible support towards value adding to the scheme. Akhilesh Yadav also announced at the event that in future, all eligible poor women in the state would be covered under the scheme, under whichRs 500 was being given per month to beneficiaries through direct bank transfer, and said this initiative had enhanced the respect and honour of women. He added that a scheme of such a mammoth scale was not being run anywhere in the country.
The chief minister also informed that under the Samajwadi Pension Scheme, the family's woman head is given priority over others and that 55 lakh poor families in the state were being covered under it.
Stressing that the scheme proves his government's commitment and concerns for the poor, helpless and the needy, he also expressed hope that it would help in improving the economic, social, educational and healthcare indices and women would take full benefit of it.
The chief minister also informed that under the Samajwadi Pension Scheme, the family's woman head is given priority over others and that 55 lakh poor families in the state were being covered under it.
Stressing that the scheme proves his government's commitment and concerns for the poor, helpless and the needy, he also expressed hope that it would help in improving the economic, social, educational and healthcare indices and women would take full benefit of it.