Choreographer-turned-filmmaker Farah Khan said she was deeply moved after receiving a brand new black SUV from her superstar friend Shah Rukh Khan. Farah, 49, and SRK have been keeping busy with the filming of her upcoming action-comedy 'Happy New Year', which reunites the actor with his 'Om Shanti Om'and 'Chennai Express' co-star Deepika Padukone. "Look what I got!!!! Thank you...
Touched and beyond," Farah tweeted along with a picture of the car. In the picture Farah and SRK are all smiles while leaning against the brand new SUV. The 2014 Diwali release 'Happy New Year' also stars Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani Sonu Sood and Vivaan Shah. Meanwhile Shah Rukh is all geared up for the seven season of Indian Premier League (IPL). "The full moon has followed me from Mumbai to Abu Dhabi... So has its dark side. Nice to be here and seeing all my IPL buddies," SRK tweeted. (PTI)