MUMBAI - Actor Ranbir Kapoor says he won't mind someone making a film on his life, but he feels it's not inspiring enough. Ranbir along with filmmakers Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Rajkumar Hirani was present at the teaser launch of "Sanju", the Sanjay Dutt biopic, on Tuesday here. Asked if Ranbir will be open to someone else making a film on him, he said: "I will be ready but I don't think my life is inspiring. I am a very boring person.
I work, go back home and fall asleep. If a film is made, it will be a very existential kind of a film." "If someone puts a camera like in the Bigg Boss house, you will see me work, come home and sleep. So yes, if someone wants to make a film then I won't mind but I don't think the film will work or it will have any message to give," he added. The Sanjay Dutt biopic is directed by Hirani. Asked to comment on showcasing six phases of Sanjay's life and how much it has been fictionalised, Hirani said: "It is not possible to show a 55-year-old journey in two- or two-and-a-half-hours. We had to let go of certain parts." Adding to Hirani's comment, Chopra said: "We didn't want any controversial stuff in the film. What we have done is... presented it with a message. Once the message is clear, the whole film revolves around it." Ranbir was asked, out of the six chapters of Sanjay's life, which one was difficult to portray. "The difficult one which I did not expect was the young Sanju because there were a lot of facets that we had to show. First, the drugs then coming out of it, then his mother's death and the most fun was Munna Bhai phase. I enjoyed doing it," he said. "Sanju" also stars Anushka Sharma, Paresh Rawal, Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza and Tabu.