Actress-turned-politician Khushbu Sundar has announced her exit from the DMK, a party with which she has been associated since 2011. "Gave my 100 percent for party, still didn't get recognition," Khushbu said in a statement. "I'm quitting all my association with DMK and I'm no longer associated with the party. I quit my membership with DMK with a heavy heart," she added.
Khushbu said she has no plans of joining any other party. "I am not jumping into any other party. So stop assumptions and hold back your horses friends. Need some time alone with family (sic)," she posted on her Twitter page, minutes after quitting. Khushbu is known for films like "Chinna Thambi", "Vetri Vizha" and "Nattamai". In her resignation letter addressed to DMK president M. Karunanidhi - copies of which were distributed to the media and also on the social media - Khushbu said she had joined the DMK to serve the Tamil people. She said that since the day she joined DMK, she was fulfilling the duties given to her by the party. Khushbu said she decided to quit "since my commitment and service would continue to remain one way in the party" and the path taken by her was giving her mental tension.