LOS ANGELES - Indian actresses Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone dazzled in sequinned ensembles at the Oscars after-party here on Sunday. While the "Quantico" star chose an all-black number, Deepika played safe with a tried-and-tested look with a black and gold outfit. Priyanka, who was earlier seen on the red carpet of the 89th Academy Awards in a white Ralph & Russo structured gown, wore a classic black Michael Kors...
sequinned gown with a plunging neckline for the after-party. Both times, she accessorised the look with minimum make-up. Meanwhile, Deepika, who made her Hollywood debut in 2017 with "xXx: Return Of Xander Cage" alongside Hollywood star Vin Diesel, also shimmered in a black ensemble with gold sequins waist down. Her hair was done in soft curls, eyes with a smokey effect and she also wore statement earrings to accessorise. The garment looked familiar to what Deepika wore to Vogue Beauty Awards in 2012.