MUMBAI - After enthralling fans in India with his popular series “Man Vs. Wild”, British adventurer Bear Grylls has come up with another survival skills reality TV show titled “The Island Hosted by Bear Grylls”, which is all set to premiere on Indian television. The show, which will be aired on Discovery Channel starting from July 18, will feature 14 American men competing to outlive one another in the wild to impress Grylls, read a statement.
The contestants hailing from various backgrounds will be dropped on a remote, inhabited Pacific island to survive for 28 days. Stripped of all the luxuries and conveniences of modern living, they will step out of their comfort zones and embark on an empowering journey. Filming themselves, these men will hunt for food, water and shelter, and will fight for their existence using their strength and survival skills. “The Island hosted by Bear Grylls” was aired in US last year.