CHENNAI - Grammy and Oscar-winning musician A.R. Rahman on Thursday announced that his ambitious production "99 Songs" will release on June 21 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. The music maestro tweeted: "I am very excited to announce the release of my very first film as producer and writer, '99 Songs', a young, passionate love story, with music at its soul. "'99 Songs' will be released in cinemas in three languages Hindi,
Tamil and Telugu on June 21, 2019. I thank you all for the love, support and encouragement you have showered on me."
Directed by Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy, the film is backed by Rahman's banner Y.M. Movies and Jio Studios.
Rahman has been working on the project for a couple of years. The romantic musical film will feature newcomers Ehan Bhat, Edilsy Varghese and Tenzin Dalha.
Directed by Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy, the film is backed by Rahman's banner Y.M. Movies and Jio Studios.
Rahman has been working on the project for a couple of years. The romantic musical film will feature newcomers Ehan Bhat, Edilsy Varghese and Tenzin Dalha.