MUMBAI - Actress Sana Khan, who came into the limelight through controversial reality TV show “Bigg Boss Halla Bol”, says that playing a comic character in the second instalment of “Tom Dick and Harry” is a big jump in her career. "I will start shooting for part two of 'Tom Dick and Harry' for which I am turning into a comedian and this is a big jump in my career," Sana told IANS. A sequel of the 2006 laugh riot “Tom Dick and Harry”,
it features Aftab Shivdasani, Sharman Joshi, Pooja Chopra, Nazia Hussain along with Sana. The actress made her acting debut with adult comedy “Yehi Hai High Society” and later got a big break with Salman Khan starrer “Jai Ho”.
"I played a negative character in 'Jai Ho'. After that, I am doing a lead in a film so for me this is a huge thing. Though it is delayed but I am happy that I am getting my chances now," said Sana.
"I played a negative character in 'Jai Ho'. After that, I am doing a lead in a film so for me this is a huge thing. Though it is delayed but I am happy that I am getting my chances now," said Sana.