MUMBAI - Superstar Shah Rukh Khan's much-awaited film "Fan"'s trailer was launched by his fans at the Yash Raj Studios here on monday. Going by the title and the theme of the film, Shah Rukh's fans from all around gathered at the studios to unveiled the trailer with him. Shah Rukh, who was at his best at the event, interacted with his fans and also answered all their queries. "Fan" revolves around a young boy from Delhi named...
Gaurav who embarks on a journey to the city of dreams, Mumbai, in order to wish his favourite actor on his birthday. After all, he is Aryan's biggest fan and even has a striking resemblance to him - how difficult could it be for the world's biggest fan to get an audience with the world's biggest star. But when things don't go according to plan, Gaurav's love and passion for his idol turns in to a dangerous obsession. Directed by Maneesh Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra, "Fan" also features Shriya Pilgaonkar among others. The film is slated for April 15 release.