MUMBAI - Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut on Thursday lodged a legal complaint against Hrithik Roshan for "misusing" the confidential emails and photographs used at the time when they were together. Kangana's lawyer has written to the Mumbai Police Commissioner demanding strict action against Hrithik for circulating photos of her client to "non-concerned third parties that are wilfully outraging client's modesty and imputing unchastity...
to her". The letter sent to the police authority -- a copy of which is with IANS -- reads: "My client Ms. Kangana Ranaut has been given to understand that her absolutely private and confidential emails as well as photographs etc. which were collected by Mr. Hrithik Roshan during his association with her are being malafidely and mischievously misused by Mr. Hrithik Roshan with criminal intentions of damaging my client’s reputation and to wilfully impute unchastity to her.
“Please do note that Mr. Hrithik Roshan had even criminally threatened my client of these actions in his notice to my client. However, as his notice received a befitting reply from me and he was not in a position to reply to the same, he is now indulging in these criminal acts to put fear in my client’s mind."
The lawyer has said that while his client is "reserving her rights to file a proper complaint in the form of a FIR, you are in the meantime requested to immediately look into the said matter and prevent cognisance of any such offence if the same has yet not been blatantly committed".
The row between the actors started earlier in 2016 when Kangana hinted at a "silly ex" when she was asked to react to reports that she was dropped from "Aashiqui 3" at Hrithik's behest.
“Please do note that Mr. Hrithik Roshan had even criminally threatened my client of these actions in his notice to my client. However, as his notice received a befitting reply from me and he was not in a position to reply to the same, he is now indulging in these criminal acts to put fear in my client’s mind."
The lawyer has said that while his client is "reserving her rights to file a proper complaint in the form of a FIR, you are in the meantime requested to immediately look into the said matter and prevent cognisance of any such offence if the same has yet not been blatantly committed".
The row between the actors started earlier in 2016 when Kangana hinted at a "silly ex" when she was asked to react to reports that she was dropped from "Aashiqui 3" at Hrithik's behest.