MUMBAI - Actor Shahid Kapoor doesn't think about whether he will ever again share screen space with his former girlfriend Kareena Kapoor. However, he says he is open to the idea and that it will be great if it happens. Shahid and Kareena are a part of "Udta Punjab", but they are not paired together. In the past, the audience has loved their chemistry in movies like "Chup Chup Ke" and especially "Jab We Met".
Asked if he is open to work with Kareena again, Shahid said: "I have always said 'yes'. I have been asked this question 30 times, and I have always said 'yes'. If it happens, it's great and if it doesn't happen, I have no problem. I really don't think about it beyond a point."
For now, it's "Udta Punjab" and fatherhood on his mind. The actor, who is married to Mira Rajput, is excited about the impending arrival of their baby. "I am really excited and looking forward to it. It's a really nice feeling. It will be a new responsibility. From being an independent individual, you become part of a family and of a wonderful unit. So you feel responsible not just for yourself, but for others as well."
For now, it's "Udta Punjab" and fatherhood on his mind. The actor, who is married to Mira Rajput, is excited about the impending arrival of their baby. "I am really excited and looking forward to it. It's a really nice feeling. It will be a new responsibility. From being an independent individual, you become part of a family and of a wonderful unit. So you feel responsible not just for yourself, but for others as well."