MUMBAI - Actress Shweta Basu Prasad, who was recently caught in a prostitution racket, may land a role in a film directed by Hansal Mehta, who has urged the authorities to "expose" the "clients" of the National Award winning performer. "I intend to offer Shweta Prasad a role in my next film. She was so good in 'Makdee'," Mehta posted on Twitter. "Stop posting pictures of Shweta. Put out the pictures of her wealthy clients...
and the pimp. Expose the sc****gs, not the soft target," he added. Shweta, 23, was arrested in Hyderabad Aug 31, and she has revealed that she took to the sex trade as she was running out of money. She is currently lodged in a state-run rescue home. The actress was also seen in Bollywood's "Iqbal" and TV show "Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki" and she bagged the national award for best child artist for "Makdee" in 2002. Several actors like Aditi Rao Hydari and Upen Patel have come forward to speak up for Shweta.
"A girl is in the news and in prison for prostitution, why not her high profile clients? We are so damn sexist... #Pathetic," tweeted Aditi. Upen wrote: "Breaks my heart about Shweta Prasad. Remember meeting her when she was a little girl in Iqbal .. Great actress..I'm know she will bounce bck (sic)."
"A girl is in the news and in prison for prostitution, why not her high profile clients? We are so damn sexist... #Pathetic," tweeted Aditi. Upen wrote: "Breaks my heart about Shweta Prasad. Remember meeting her when she was a little girl in Iqbal .. Great actress..I'm know she will bounce bck (sic)."