MUMBAI - Actor Shahid Kapoor, who is gearing up for his forthcoming film "Shaandaar", says he is keen to watch Meghna Gulzar's "Talvar", which is based on the 2008 Aarushi Talwar murder case. "I am curious to see in which angle the story has been presented. I think entire country is waiting for to watch the movie," Shahid said at the GQ award event here in Mumbai. Shahid also praised the film's actors Irrfan Khan...
and Konkona Sen Sharma. "Considering Konkona and Irfan sir are in the film, both are fine actors. So I am sure the film is really good," he said.
Filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, who has penned the story of "Talvar", also directed the caper thriller "Kaminey", in which Shahid essayed the role of twin brothers. Last year, he directed Shahid in "Haider", for which he won the Best Actor award at the 60th Filmfare Awards.
Filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj, who has penned the story of "Talvar", also directed the caper thriller "Kaminey", in which Shahid essayed the role of twin brothers. Last year, he directed Shahid in "Haider", for which he won the Best Actor award at the 60th Filmfare Awards.