MUMBAI - Popular Bollywood celebrities like Naseeruddin Shah, Ratna Pathak Shah, Prakash Jha, Sushant Singh, Konkona Sen Sharma and Arshad Warsi attended the screening of director Alankrita Shrivastava's film "Lipstick Under My Burkha" here at the Jio MAMI 18th Mumbai Film Festival with Star. The film was screened on Wednesday night. "It is a beautiful film. The story revolves around four women who dream of...
living their life freely. I liked the story and gave my permission to proceed. You can call the film a feminist film as all the protagonists are women, but it's a regular story of a woman and her desires," Jha, who has produced the film, said.
"I am an absentee producer. Once I loved the story, I let the director make the film in his or her way. I am pleased with the positive reaction to the film." he added.
Konkona, who stars in the film alongside Ratna, Sushant, Aahana Kumra and Plabita Borthakur, said: "I am really excited about the film as I haven't seen how it has shaped up. Alankrita was very excited about the process and then it started going to film festivals. So I am happy about the film."
The film is yet to receive a release date. "Right now we don't have a release date as it is covering the film festival circuits. But we are waiting for its release," said Shrivastava. "Lipstick Under My Burkha" sees four women from different generations in search of freedom. Though stifled and trapped in their worlds, these four women claim their desires through small acts of courage and stealthy rebellion.
"I am an absentee producer. Once I loved the story, I let the director make the film in his or her way. I am pleased with the positive reaction to the film." he added.
Konkona, who stars in the film alongside Ratna, Sushant, Aahana Kumra and Plabita Borthakur, said: "I am really excited about the film as I haven't seen how it has shaped up. Alankrita was very excited about the process and then it started going to film festivals. So I am happy about the film."
The film is yet to receive a release date. "Right now we don't have a release date as it is covering the film festival circuits. But we are waiting for its release," said Shrivastava. "Lipstick Under My Burkha" sees four women from different generations in search of freedom. Though stifled and trapped in their worlds, these four women claim their desires through small acts of courage and stealthy rebellion.