MUMBAI - Enjoying the success of her comeback film "Hichki", actress Rani Mukerji says that she has always been instinctive in choosing her films. At press conference to mark the success of the film which sees her portraying an aspiring teacher, who suffers from Tourette syndrome and educating slum kids, Rani, asked about her future projects and role selection, said: "I have always been instinctive....
In choosing my films, right from the start of career till now. "Last 22 years, I think I have chosen scripts which have been emotionally connected to me, where I have thought that this is a story which needs to be told and secondly the character which has been offered to me, can I relate to it as Rani?" About the compliments she has been getting for her role, Rani said: "Everything has been special for me. All the teachers are taking different grades of students now, you know, one-day fourth grade, one-day fifth grade, one-day sixth grade, and getting to know all the students, I mean for me there is nothing better than that. "And the fact that teachers have understood, what the movie stands for and it inspired them and they themselves are taking the students to watch the film... I think that is the biggest victory for us. The film is a tribute to teachers and they have accepted the film whole heartily, I don't think there could be a bigger compliment than that." About CBSE paper leak, Rani expressed her concern about students' vacation plans. "Of course, it changes the vacation plans a bit, so you know, parents who were taking their children on vacation or planning something, that might take a beating I guess. "But in terms of students, I am sure they all are very bright. Today students get 80 or 90, so I don't think giving exam for them is that much of an issue but plans for holidays or other things, might become a little problematic now." Yash Raj Banner "Hichki" is directed by Siddharth P. Malhotra and released on March 23.