Cox and Kigs, the outsourcing agency for Indian visa, OCI and PIO cards reached out to the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) to brief them on the services they are providing. There have been wide criticism of their services after they took over from the earlier agency. Cox and Kings agreed with GOPIO officials that there were problems after the take over from BLS International because of the backlog of over 18,000 passports in New York alone and similar numbers in other centers.
They have sorted out many of the issues, changed security guards and now want to work with the community to remedy these problems. They said that the long lines no more exist and they have streamlined many of the issues. They also promised to implement the suggestions given by GOPIO for extended hours and opening of offices on weekends, hiring more professionals, training of staff answering telephone calls, making their website more friendly to applicants, and arranging town hall type meetings with the community. GOPIO will monitor services provided by Cox and Kings and will work with them to sort out any remaining issues. GOPIO has appointed its Associate Secretary Jaswant Mody to receive any complaints from the community at [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] Cox and Kings delegation meeting with GOPIO officials in New York