BUENA PARK, CA- The Rajput Association of America unanimously re-elected Rajinder Dhunna as its new president for next two-year term 2018-2019.Dhunna is an active community worker for many years and is an established entrepreneur. The installation ceremony took place on January 20, here and was attended by executive committee members,family, and well-wishers. Other officers who were elected and installed were:
Chairman – Surinder Verma, Vice-President – Manjit Dasaur, Secretary – Anil Verma; Treasurer – Rajinder Beerd; Trustees - Kewal Kanda, Dharminder Dhunna, Satinder Verma; Directors - Sandeep Kumar, Dinesh Sharma, Baljinder Tahim, Satish Kanda, Ashok Madan, Kamaljit Kanda, Vasu Pawar, Gagandeep Sidhu, Roshan Gupta, Rajnish Dhunna, and Paul Bawa.