LOS ANGELES, CA – Overseas Friends of BJP organized an event under the leadership of PK Nayak, coordinator of the OFBJP Los Angeles chapter on Dec. 28 to celebrate the BJP’s victory in the recent state assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. According to a press release, the event started with “Vande Mataram”
LOS ANGELES, CA – Overseas Friends of BJP organized an event under the leadership of PK Nayak, coordinator of the OFBJP Los Angeles chapter on Dec. 28 to celebrate the BJP’s victory in the recent state assembly elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. According to a press release, the event started with “Vande Mataram”
followed by the welcome address by Vijay Patil. Nayak provided an overview of the objectives and highlighted the need for increasing membership. Parima Shah introduced the community leaders and senior members of the OFBJP team who were in attendance.
Patil played a video from the BJP government called “Sankalp se Siddhi” that summarized the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the development of India and appealed to the audience to take a pledge to support the efforts of building a New India: clean, corruption free, terrorism free and poverty free India by 2022.
A summary of the recent elections was presented by Gopal Chaturvedi, including the various factors in the elections as well as the vision of the long-term development in India. Surendra Sharma, former president of the OFBJP in the UK, shared his thoughts on the critical issues facing India. He laid out a well structured plan of the work ahead that needs to be carried out in India as well as overseas. He emphasized the need for getting involved in the local community and reaching out to local congressmen and senators to get their attention on issues/events that are critical to the success of India. Several OFBJP members – including Keshavlal Patel, Kanaksinh Zala, and Yogi Patel – had travelled to India to help the BJP with the elections. They were honored at the event, and presented with flowers by Babubhai Gandhi, Sanghchalak of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh. Zala shared his first-hand experiences of field work in India, which was not only informative, but also inspiring. A number of audience members had a chance to share their thoughts as well. Amrit Nehru, Kamlesh Chauhan, Vasu Pawar, and Rangesh Gadaselli were among those who took the opportunity and shared their valuable insights. The event concluded with Sourabh Tandon thanking the organizers, including Jashbhai Patel, Latesh Bhambani and Anil Mahajan, distinguished guests, as well as the attendees to make the event a success. The attendees felt that more of such events should be organized to keep the pro-India community active and united.
Patil played a video from the BJP government called “Sankalp se Siddhi” that summarized the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the development of India and appealed to the audience to take a pledge to support the efforts of building a New India: clean, corruption free, terrorism free and poverty free India by 2022.
A summary of the recent elections was presented by Gopal Chaturvedi, including the various factors in the elections as well as the vision of the long-term development in India. Surendra Sharma, former president of the OFBJP in the UK, shared his thoughts on the critical issues facing India. He laid out a well structured plan of the work ahead that needs to be carried out in India as well as overseas. He emphasized the need for getting involved in the local community and reaching out to local congressmen and senators to get their attention on issues/events that are critical to the success of India. Several OFBJP members – including Keshavlal Patel, Kanaksinh Zala, and Yogi Patel – had travelled to India to help the BJP with the elections. They were honored at the event, and presented with flowers by Babubhai Gandhi, Sanghchalak of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh. Zala shared his first-hand experiences of field work in India, which was not only informative, but also inspiring. A number of audience members had a chance to share their thoughts as well. Amrit Nehru, Kamlesh Chauhan, Vasu Pawar, and Rangesh Gadaselli were among those who took the opportunity and shared their valuable insights. The event concluded with Sourabh Tandon thanking the organizers, including Jashbhai Patel, Latesh Bhambani and Anil Mahajan, distinguished guests, as well as the attendees to make the event a success. The attendees felt that more of such events should be organized to keep the pro-India community active and united.