LAGUNA,CA-‘India Se Bharat Tak,’ an Indian Independence Day celebration was hosted by Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan at Laguna Woods on August 19. Chief guest Mayor Shari Horne who attended the event expressed appreciation and deeply admired the work being done by Ashutosh Maharaj by way of reviving the ancient...
LAGUNA,CA-‘India Se Bharat Tak,’ an Indian Independence Day celebration was hosted by Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan at Laguna Woods on August 19. Chief guest Mayor Shari Horne who attended the event expressed appreciation and deeply admired the work being done by Ashutosh Maharaj by way of reviving the ancient...
Indian traditions and rekindling patriotism. Numerous attendees gained inspirational insight into India’s freedom struggle, the hard work, and the love the patriots had for Mother India. They witnessed many presentations such as plays, musical performances, and dances highlighting India’s culture. Sadhvi Kanchan Bharti, the featured speaker at the event, enlightened the audience with her insightful discourse on Brahm Gyan, the ancient science of self-realization. She stated that her revered Guru bestowed this divine knowledge that manifests itself in peace, love, and prosperity by connecting the individual to the divinity within. She further explained that all personal as well as social problems originate in the mind and if there is anything that can bring a revolution in today’s world, it is the complete transformation of minds through Brahm Gyan.