NORWALK,CA -Inspired by Ashok and Madhu Patel of Dallas, TX and BU Patel of Tarsadia Foundation and supported by the Consul General of Indonesia in LA Simon Soekarno and his staff members, a fundraiser to support survivors of the recent earthquake and Tsunami that hit Indonesia,was held on Oct 14 at...
NORWALK,CA -Inspired by Ashok and Madhu Patel of Dallas, TX and BU Patel of Tarsadia Foundation and supported by the Consul General of Indonesia in LA Simon Soekarno and his staff members, a fundraiser to support survivors of the recent earthquake and Tsunami that hit Indonesia,was held on Oct 14 at...
Sanatan Dharma Temple,here. The event opened with prayer and songs by ‘Sa Re Ga Ma’ fame singer Anjal Jain. The host Nitin Shah welcomed all and gave a brief history of what local organizations have done in the past going back to 2001 when massive earthquake had hit Bhuj, Gujarat. He requested all to rise and observe a moment’s silence in memory of all those who had lost their lives in this terrible natural calamity. Shah then showed a short video of the event, a very scary account of what happened there and a presentation with pictures prepared by Dhwani Kakabalia from New Jersey. Almost 1800 are feared dead, and more than 200,000 displaced, with huge property damage. Opportunity was offered to all present for comments and pledges. Mahesh Wadher, President of Anekant Community Center offered condolences to the families of victims and pledged $ 1000. BU Patel announced that he would add to whatever is raised to a total of at least $ 50,000.
Consul General Soekarno spoke about the difficulties Indonesia is facing following the earthquake and Tsunami and how appreciative he was of the community to come forward and raise funds. He was overwhelmed with people’s generosity and looked forward to build a relationship with the Indian-American community. Jain continued with her amazing voice to entertain the attendees and also got all present involved in dancing along with her.The evening ended with dinner.
Consul General Soekarno spoke about the difficulties Indonesia is facing following the earthquake and Tsunami and how appreciative he was of the community to come forward and raise funds. He was overwhelmed with people’s generosity and looked forward to build a relationship with the Indian-American community. Jain continued with her amazing voice to entertain the attendees and also got all present involved in dancing along with her.The evening ended with dinner.