NEW DELHI - Amy's, a US brand that has pioneered the organic food movement globally, is set to launch a select range of its products in India. After successfully retailing in the US, Britain and Australia, Amy's will launch a select range of 14 products in the country starting with Delhi and NCR in mid-September across select Modern Trade outlets, said a statement. The range includes canned soups, frozen pizzas, meals and snacks,

starting at an affordable price of Rs 160. Started in 1987 by Andy and Rachel Berliner in California, the inception of the food outlet started when the couple could not get their hands on any ready-to-eat food that was made organic ingredients.
That was when they began their journey to ensure that everyone gets a chance to eat food that is not only convenient but also delicious and made with the utmost care.
Talking about the launch in India, Rachel Berliner, co-founder of Amy's said: "Andy and I met in India and still have many close friends here, so it is really satisfying to be launching a line of Amy's foods for Indian consumers.
"I've always been closely connected to the people we serve, listening to their comments and ideas, and I'm excited to hear how Indian consumers respond to our foods." All of the Amy's dishes are cooked in their own kitchen facilities and are made from the kind of real ingredients found in a home kitchen.
That was when they began their journey to ensure that everyone gets a chance to eat food that is not only convenient but also delicious and made with the utmost care.
Talking about the launch in India, Rachel Berliner, co-founder of Amy's said: "Andy and I met in India and still have many close friends here, so it is really satisfying to be launching a line of Amy's foods for Indian consumers.
"I've always been closely connected to the people we serve, listening to their comments and ideas, and I'm excited to hear how Indian consumers respond to our foods." All of the Amy's dishes are cooked in their own kitchen facilities and are made from the kind of real ingredients found in a home kitchen.