HYDERABAD - Jilmore, India's first online entertainer and celebrity booking platform, has expanded its operations to the US and Britain, an official said on Monday. The online platform also plans to expand to Malaysia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Canada and Switzerland over the next six months. Saradhi Babu Rasala, Co-Founder and CEO of the Hyderabad-based company, told reporters here that they had raised...
Rs 1 crore for the expansion. People who are looking for entertainment services for any corporate event, or personal or family parties like birthday, anniversary, and engagement can find their choice of singers, anchors, emcees, celebrities, artists, makeup artists, dancers, musicians, magicians, DJs, and VJs, among others, online. He said Jilmore added 500 artists to the platform. It executed 350 bookings over last 10 months. He hopes their franchise model will help them scale up the business faster. Veteran Singer S.P. Balasubrahmanyam, who is the mentor, said Jilmore's local franchise is a great opportunity for the business people who are looking to start a new business in their area.