HYDERABAD - Microsoft Mobile on Wednesday unveiled its first retail store in Hyderabad under the new brand name. The Microsoft Priority Reseller Store, as it is called, has been opened at Forum Mall here. T.S. Sridhar, director, south, Nokia India Sales Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Microsoft Mobile, said 8,872 stores and 119 care centres across the country will be transformed. While 441 outlets are getting a completely new design,
the remaining stores will be refreshed with new signage by the end of current month. He said 441 Microsoft Priority Reseller stores offer 'touch and feel' experience to consumers, and 99 out of these are in south India. Hyderabad has 13 priority stores while 16 more are located in other parts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The company also launched Microsoft Lumia 540, augmenting the Lumia smartphones portfolio further. The Lumia 540, with Windows 8.1, is priced at Rs.10,199 and comes with freebies totalling to about Rs.3,000, including Airtel data, 'Gaana', 'Ola' and PayTm cashback offers. It will be upgraded to Windows 10, to be launched later this year. He said 11 Lumia devices have been launched since October 2014, out of which five are Microsoft-branded.