NEW DELHI - Google on Thursday rolled out its 'Expeditions' app with a new solo mode for all users. "Using this mode, they can explore over 600 different tours on their own. All that users need to do is download the 'Expeditions' app (available on both Android and iOS), drop their phone into Google Cardboard and get ready for an adventure!" the company said in a statement. For the past two years, the app was available only for teachers as a tool to...

extend learning inside the classroom, helping students to gain exposure to new career paths and learn about various social impact initiatives happening around the globe. With the new update, users can either take these tours as an explorer or a guide. As an 'Explorer', users can experience the tour on their own, where they can view more detailed information on various points of interest within the experience. The 'Guide Mode' lets teachers preview a tour before embarking with their students on a virtual journey.
"Expeditions" also works on Daydream View VR headset-ready phones for more immersive and engaging experience.
"Expeditions" also works on Daydream View VR headset-ready phones for more immersive and engaging experience.