ROBBINSVILLE, NJ-On Sept 17, an assembly on the holy grounds of the Swaminarayan Akshardham here was held to celebrate the inauguration of a traditionally composed Sanskrit text. The assembly was a celebration of momentous events: inauguration of the Swaminarayana-siddhantapsudha; Sri Kasi Vidvat Parisad recognizing...
ROBBINSVILLE, NJ-On Sept 17, an assembly on the holy grounds of the Swaminarayan Akshardham here was held to celebrate the inauguration of a traditionally composed Sanskrit text. The assembly was a celebration of momentous events: inauguration of the Swaminarayana-siddhantapsudha; Sri Kasi Vidvat Parisad recognizing...

Sri Swaminaryana’s Vedanta as the Aksara-Purusottama Darsana, as Vedic and distinct from the other Vedanta darsanas and; The official announcement of the teachings as the Aksara-Purusottama Darsana. Authorored by Bhaadreshdas Swami, the text is traditionally categorized as a vadagrantha-a formal exposition, justification, and defense of the philosophical and theological positions of a darsana. It is composed on the Aksara-Purusottama Darsana. Divided into nine chapters identified as dharas,the text presents a sophisticated treatment of the philosophical principles of Bhagvan Svaminaryana. Among other things, it grounds these principles on expositions found within the Prasthanatrayi- a collective designation for the Upanisads, Gita,and the Brahmasutras. It also presents a unique epistemological system that is characteristic and their disagreements not only reflects the traditional methods of a vadagratha, but also emphasizes the robustness of the text. Both the letter of endorsement and the copper-plated letter of declaration were offered by Sadhu Bhadreshdas Swami to Mahant Swami. Mahant Swami read aloud a proclamation letter that he composed. He then officially announced that Swaminarayana’s teachings would henceforth be recognized as the Aksara-Purusottama Sidhanta and that the darsanic title would be identified as the Aksara-Purusottama Darsana.